14 April 2008

Iowa is fubar

March 28th - Snow flurries.

April 5th - Gorgeous day, sunny, had to open the window at the rehearsal hall.

April 8th - Snow flurries.

April 10th - Tornadoes!

April 12th - Snow flurries. SNOW FLURRIES.

Today - Gorgeous. Open windows. T-shirt.

And I keep seeing, on the eight tv channels we have, commercials for AT&T. More bars anywhere. Except Iowa.

05 April 2008

Hello, lovah

For all you fellow shirtless Gordon Ramsay fans out there.

Thoughts on a Friday night

1. I am so naming my first baby after Gordon Ramsay. If it's a girl, we'll call her Gordie.

2. I wonder how much money I could get if I auctioned my name on eBay.

3. I am currently working in the Middle-of-nowhere, Iowa. Near where the baseball field from Field of Dreams is. Which raises the question - what's more scary - the children or Ray Liotta in the corn?

4. Pshaw.

5. I lied on Beth's blog. My panties are only 94% cotton. 6% spandex. And damn comfortable, thankyouverymuch.

6. Hold on, gotta pee.

7. Holy cow, reduced fat Cheez-Its are good when drunk.

8. American Kitchen Nightmares is lamer than Real Kitchen Nightmares. Gordon, why you no yell so much? Viewer discretion so not needed!

9. It's okay, I will still name my first child after him.

10. Super Target is my new favorite store.

11. And apparently Barefoot Cabernet Sauvignon is awesome wine.

12. Willy nilly!

13. Yes, it's still funny.

14. Oh my gosh, Beth/Wahooty is one of my favorite people in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD. That include Gordon Ramsay. (I had to say "one of" because of my boyfriend.) She completes me.

15. I am totally the inspiration.

16. "I was thinking about Cheyenne's legs and then a fork fell on the floor." - Sara Bickwheat