23 October 2007

I will buy a Jeep

Yesterday, my friend Tom showed me this Jeep commercial on Youtube.

I am what Beth calls "an advertisers dream" because I believe in rewarding good advertisement. After all, that's what their job is, and I believe rewarding a job well done. Of course, I've always wanted a Jeep anyway, so it's no stretch for me to say that if I could, I'd buy a Jeep right now. And since I don't have the means to buy a Jeep right now, it's kind of a moot point anyway. But it's a darn cute commercial! Good job, Jeep advertising people!

10 October 2007

News of the Day

Say It Ain't So!

According to the CDC, there's been a salmonella outbreak caused by Banquet POT PIES. I'm fairly certain that this is one of the signs of the apocalypse. Some of you may be aware of my love for pot pies, chicken in particular. Come on, the food even has it's own theme song.

Jimmy Pardo has a great stand up routine about pot pies, in which he confirms that "chicken" is the correct answer. He might love pot pies as much as I do. Go listen to it now. Make sure you wait a minute for the page to load. Go on, I'll wait.

Brilliant, wasn't it?! God Bless that Jimmy Pardo.

Luckily I've always been a Swanson girl. In fact, I've got one in my freezer right now!

Justice Wins Again
An Indiana court awarded worker's comp to a stripper who injured herself pole dancing. That's just awesome. I mean, logically looking at it, it's nothing spectacular. A woman injuring herself at work in the course of duty should get worker's comp. But it involves a stripper, which makes it just plain awesome.

04 October 2007

Manna from heaven

I usually reserve the term "manna from heaven" for cheese related items, but something new passed between my lips today. Something sweet, something crunchy, something chocolatey... Normally I'm not such a big fan of chocolate, either. I mean, it's alright, and I've even been known to crave it once in a while (particularly during That Time,) but I've been known to pass on chocolate on many an occasion. But The Powers That Know What I Like have taken my favorite That Time chocolate crave - the Nestle Crunch bar, and added WAFERS (and I DO love wafers!) and creme, and now we have...

The Nestle Crunch Crisp Bar!

I am telling you, people, if you like chocolate or Nestle crunch or wafers, then this is the bar for you! In fact, even if you're just so-so on chocolate, this is still the bar for you! The really great thing that Nestle has done here is make the chocolate coating on the bar not too thick. I don't like thick chocolate coating. But the coating is nice and thin on the sides and bottom, and a little thicker on top, but that's only because of the puffed rice for the crunch bar part! And then a few thin layers of wafer with a few thin layers of creme sandwiched in between. I mean, it's perfect. Which probably means it will be discontinued soon.

I should totally get paid for this. Nestle, feel free to send me some Crunch Crisp bars as compensation.