04 October 2007

Manna from heaven

I usually reserve the term "manna from heaven" for cheese related items, but something new passed between my lips today. Something sweet, something crunchy, something chocolatey... Normally I'm not such a big fan of chocolate, either. I mean, it's alright, and I've even been known to crave it once in a while (particularly during That Time,) but I've been known to pass on chocolate on many an occasion. But The Powers That Know What I Like have taken my favorite That Time chocolate crave - the Nestle Crunch bar, and added WAFERS (and I DO love wafers!) and creme, and now we have...

The Nestle Crunch Crisp Bar!

I am telling you, people, if you like chocolate or Nestle crunch or wafers, then this is the bar for you! In fact, even if you're just so-so on chocolate, this is still the bar for you! The really great thing that Nestle has done here is make the chocolate coating on the bar not too thick. I don't like thick chocolate coating. But the coating is nice and thin on the sides and bottom, and a little thicker on top, but that's only because of the puffed rice for the crunch bar part! And then a few thin layers of wafer with a few thin layers of creme sandwiched in between. I mean, it's perfect. Which probably means it will be discontinued soon.

I should totally get paid for this. Nestle, feel free to send me some Crunch Crisp bars as compensation.

1 comment:

Wahooty said...

Talk to me when you've had a Cadbury Wunderbar. Indeed.