10 October 2007

News of the Day

Say It Ain't So!

According to the CDC, there's been a salmonella outbreak caused by Banquet POT PIES. I'm fairly certain that this is one of the signs of the apocalypse. Some of you may be aware of my love for pot pies, chicken in particular. Come on, the food even has it's own theme song.

Jimmy Pardo has a great stand up routine about pot pies, in which he confirms that "chicken" is the correct answer. He might love pot pies as much as I do. Go listen to it now. Make sure you wait a minute for the page to load. Go on, I'll wait.

Brilliant, wasn't it?! God Bless that Jimmy Pardo.

Luckily I've always been a Swanson girl. In fact, I've got one in my freezer right now!

Justice Wins Again
An Indiana court awarded worker's comp to a stripper who injured herself pole dancing. That's just awesome. I mean, logically looking at it, it's nothing spectacular. A woman injuring herself at work in the course of duty should get worker's comp. But it involves a stripper, which makes it just plain awesome.

1 comment:

Wahooty said...

Indiana (Lafayette, specifically) is also the home of the stripper whose landlord installed a flagpole in her front yard, which she took as a prime opportunity for target practice. Even though her home was, in fact, on a school bus route. It is not a place on which to center one's moral compass.

Oh, and in case you're not already convinced...the stripper was, in fact, fugly as all hell.