26 July 2008


Visible Panty Lines have been quite the fashion faux paus since the popularity of tight pants. But ladies, I can do you one better. Today I saw a Villiage Person's Package. All too uncomfortably close and in living color. We went to see Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the Sondheim Center in Fairfield, with the original Cowboy Villiage Person Randy Jones as the Pharoah. For those of you unfamiliar with the show, the Pharoah is portrayed as Elvis. So Randy was done up in the quintessential white jumpsuit. In boxer briefs underneath. And no support whatsoever. As one of my theatre going companions put it - "you could clearly see he is uncircumsized." I don't know from that, but it was incredibly distracting. And disturbing. Added to that the she-man intern who was "Cher" for the "Go-go-go Joseph" number, and I'm having nightmares for the next week.

The phrase for the week? Dance belt. Dance belt!