30 March 2008

I am a marmot

Wahooty and I decided tonight that I'm a marmot. A rodent, a "ground squirrel," but with a cuter name. See how adorable:
It all started because of my sleep cycle. As it gets later at night, I get more awake, so Wahooty suggested I might be a rodent of some type. I started to protest, but then agreed because I do like to nest. Plus I like cheese. And they hibernate, which I totally would, if I didn't have to have a job and earn money and watch TV. Marmots eat mostly greens, and I like greens. We couldn't think of many super-hero powers I would have as a marmot, except that my voice can get pretty shrill when I'm excited, so possibly I could temporarily deafen (or at least startle) my enemies. And Wahooty said that I could wiggle my nose cutely and charm men. We're ground dwelling creatures, though, so we don't fly. I'd make a good super-hero on The Tick, with my limited abilities. Emmarmot, Wahooty named me.

Wikipedia says that some historians believe that marmots, rather than rats, were the primary carriers of the Bubonic plague, which makes marmots second to mosquitoes as human killers. Always the bridesmaid...

They are of the tribe "Marmotini," which I think would be gin mixed with some elderflower syrup and shaken with ice.

And if this isn't me after eating dinner and settling down to watch some Gordon Ramsay, I don't know what is.

Marmots totally love Gordon Ramsay.

1 comment:

Wahooty said...

And I am the milkman. Goo goo g'joob.