05 February 2008

It'll Only Hurt for a Minute

I have been unemployed since December 30th. This is not easy for me, being unemployed. I won't lie to you - I'd love to be independently wealthy and not have to work for a living, but since I'm not, I'd rather be productive than not. My previous unemployment periods have been few and far between and brief, and right now it's even worse, since I'm in a relationship. How can I hold my own in this relationship when I can't pay for nights out, can't ask for nights out because of my guilt for being unable to pay, and can't even pay rent at the moment? Lucky I can cook, or I'd wonder what I'm even offering this relationship right now. My days recently have been filled with pajama wearing, tv watching, sorry feeling (for myself) patheticness. But I am sending my resume out! (The above actions are not listed amongst my "Skills," but I am awfully good at them. You need five hours of Murder, She Wrote and Good Eats watched straight through? I'm your girl!)

At any rate, that's not what this post is about. For those of you (Beth) that I have not been ashamed to talk to lately, you know where I've been. This post is about the light at the end of the tunnel. I commiserated tonight with my bowling partner and former assistant stage manager, who is in somewhat the same situation as I (though not as bad, because he has good non-theatre experience and opportunities) and he likened this time period to getting a shot at the Doctor's office. And what does the Dr. always say? "This will only hurt for a minute." In the vast span of my life (hopefully,) this period of unemployment despair will end up being but a pinprick. And as much as I should know that anyway, hearing someone else tell me that, with conviction, makes all the difference. I've never thought I would not get another job in my chosen field, but some times are harder than others, and I do tend to get bogged down, like Atreyu in The Never Ending Story. But I will become a productive member of society again (hopefully sooner, rather than later.) And I am determined to remember that now.

Now, if you'll excuse me, Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares is on. And I've only seen this episode once (this week.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Em! I just read this post (I'm a little behind in keeping up with my reading) and I wanted to let you know that your friend is absolutely right. I went through a couple of months of unemployment a couple of years ago and something did come along. I found myself in a flux for awhile trying to figure out where I wanted to go, but I eventually figured it all out and am enjoying where the road took me. I'm certain the same will happen for you. :)