People, I have grown the Biggest. Zucchini. Ever. Seriously. It is bigger than a bottle of beer! Bigger than my shoe! Bigger than a breadbox! (Assuming said bread box is under 13 inches long.) And what are my gardening secrets, you ask? How did I grow such a mammoth zucchini? Good topsoil, some compost, a nice spot, and lots of positive thinking. From inside the house. I weeded twice, which did about nothing. Sometimes I remembered to water the plants when it didn't rain for a few days. And when the Big Daddy Zucchini was just a baby zucchini, I looked at it and said "awwww." I guess that was all the motivation it needed.
I didn't even know that my zucchini were ready for harvest, but I walked by my little garden patch today and wham! There it was. Now, I don't know if a zucchini that big is still good eats or if I let it grow too long. It feels like a fine zucchini. But if anyone out there does know about these things, I'd appreciate your input. Also, your zucchini recipes, because that was just my first one and I have three zucchini plants.
Seeds might be a little tough. If so, pick 'em smaller next time. Otherwise, grow those suckers to mutant proportions. I want to see you at the state fair and shit.
Wow, that's a crazy zucchini. Our balcony garden has the world's tiniest carrot. ( I linked to it in my name.) :)
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