17 June 2008

thoughts on a Monday night

My doctor has today confirmed that I am, indeed, allergic to the state of Iowa.

The song on Bones tonight, where the car is blowing up, I will always associate with Trainspotting. I love that movie. "It's such a perfect day..."

I was going to review Bohemian Highway Cabernet Sauvignon, but that was two bottles ago, and all I can say is that it's light and slightly fruity, but not too fruity. What kind of fruit, I cannot say. But it was good!

Now we're on Tapena Tempranillo (it's Spanish.) It's spicy, but not too bold. And also slightly sweet, but not too sweet. I get black cherries. And it goes down very smoothly. Yes, I might be a wee bit tipsy right now, but I highly recommend it. Thanks, Schnucks Wine Guy!

Gerard Butler is seriously attractive.

Seriously, look at that. He may pick shitty movies, but he is actually very talented. And very, very attractive. (But his talent does make him more attractive. Except for that one really, really shitty movie he was in. Yes, Shattered, I'm talking to you.)

Whole Foods should charge a tax on anyone who drives an SUV to the store. Doesn't that just seem wrong? Although it does make me totally feel hippier than thou in my tiny high mileage Fit.

Whole Foods carries St. Andre Triple Cream Brie cheaper than your regular grocery store. Worth the trip, seriously. Also, you can get Wensleydale with cranberries. I love cheese.

This flood in Iowa is seriously cramping my Netflix style. Mama needs her DVDs.

Omg, seriously, I believe that red grapefruit juice lowers your cholesterol. I'm too lazy to link to the real studies right now, but Google it, you will see. My cholesterol dropped 31 points and all I changed was I started eating oatmeal in the mornings and drinking grapefruit juice. And it didn't even raise my blood sugar. 100% grapefruit juice, by the way, no sugar added. And it was raisin, walnut and date oatmeal. Made with 1% milk. It's actually yummy.

Hey, Dave? Thanks for being a close friend even though I'm a really shitty friend sometimes. You are totally Shupershtore.

I am so glad I'm not in Iowa right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You remain one of my favorite people.