08 June 2008

um, what, Netflix?

I love my Netflix. And usually, when I add one thing to my Netflix, I will spend the next many minutes following it from suggestion to suggestion and adding several other things to my Netflix. Sometimes, it suggests things that I've already seen and I go ahead and rate them accordingly. Sometimes, I log onto the Netflix just to rate things! I love the entire process. But it threw me for a loop tonight. Because I loved Amadeus, Fargo and Moonstruck, it thinks I will love To Kill a Mockingbird.

Um, how does that logic go?

Yes, I do love to Kill a Mockingbird. My all time favorite book and one of my favorite movies, yes. Stuck on a desert island? Give me Mockingbird! In fact, that book inspired by adolescent short stories, my desire to write, and my fascination with Southern Gothic anything. But to follow Fargo and Moonstruck there? I'm a bit confused. Moonstruck is a romantic comedy. Yeah, it has dark moments, why do you think I love it? But Mockingbird - there ain't no romantic comedy there. Amusing moments, yes, but Atticus and Miss Maudie don't bump into each other fighting over a taxi cab and follow it up with dinner, do they? And Fargo? Fargo is, well...it isn't related to Mockingbird in any sense. Boo Radley never chopped anyone up in the wood chipper, now, did he?

Here's the thing, though - their logic doesn't make any sense whatsoever, but they are right. I DO love me some To Kill a Mockingbird.

Oh, you!! (insert wagging my finger at Netflix in a bemused manner.)

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