11 March 2009

Countdown to the 5K

Okay, peeps, my Very First 5K is in 4 days! I'm very excited and slightly nervous. Tomorrow Tafee and I are going to pick up our event packets which will include a Technical Moisture Wicking t-shirt! I am quite excited by that. I'm also excited about carbing up the night before the run, although Tafee has already vetoed my plan, which included several Krispy Kreme donuts. (sad horns) And to allay some of my nervousness, I looked up the results from last year to make sure I wouldn't be THE slowest runner there. It looks hopeful for me that I might finish ahead of some of the 10 year olds!

I have discovered in the past couple of days that visualization does nothing for me - trying to amp myself up to run by picturing myself running only makes me tired and want to skip to the after-run refreshment. And imagining Others right behind me does not help me sprint the last 20 feet before the corner. Yesterday when I ran, it was really hot and sunny, and so I ran a little slower than usual and not as far as I have before, which meant I got no encouragement from either Lance Armstrong or Joan Benoit Samuelson on my iPod. It was pretty disappointing. But I did pass one lady who said something to me that I couldn't make out (as I had my tunes on, like you do) but I imagined it was something to the effect of "you're running so well!" (Though it was more likely "crazy white girl, put on some sunscreen!") So, dear readers, do me one favor, and if you're out and about on your errands, and you see someone jogging past, be sure to smile and maybe say "you're doing great!" to them. Even if they can't hear you over their iPod, it will brighten their entire workout.

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