27 May 2008

best google ever

Beth is clearly the Google queen of Blogger, but I've gotten my fair share of hits from the Google. (By the way, spell check on Blogger takes capitalized Google but not lower case Google. Clever spell check...) Most of my hits are from the Rojo Mojo wine review or my multiple Gordon Ramsey posts, and I've gotten a few random Monk hits, but that's pretty much it. Surprisingly enough, no chicken pot pie Googles, go figure. And I clearly don't post enough on cheese! But I digress. Thanks to Beth and the good folks at Stat Counter, I got my best Google hit ever today. "Marmots human killers." Now, as I said, marmots may have carried the Black Plague, but, awww, they're so chubby and cute! Anyway, my "marmots human killer" Googler, I hope you found what you were looking for. And feel free to use me as a citation on your term paper.

1 comment:

Wahooty said...

I see your "marmots human killer" and raise you a "guy wearing speedo and roller skates" and a...wait for it... "tighty asscrack."
But seriously, that fuckin' rules. When I have finally gotten a "chicken porn" click-through, I'll know that Google is my bitch, but until then, I think you win.